Thursday, June 25, 2015


I'm glad to report that I am seeing some promising progress from my first chiropractic adjustment! My right hip does ache, but not as much as normal, and frankly feels more straight that it has in quite some time.  Tomorrow I go for a medical massage in hope of untangling myself even more.

I have gone walking twice this week - 20 minute walks, with my lift - my previously broken ankle is not happy about it, but for the most part, the pain is tolerable.  I also got in the pool and did some water-resistance walking last night, and will try again tomorrow night depending on how I am feeling post-massage.  Currently, I am trying to get in some form of low-impact movement every other day. I know I must rebuild my musculature in order to maintain the adjustments and treatment I am I undergoing to correct the torquing/twisting.

We're doing fairly well with the Paleo diet, currently allowing for the maximum of three "cheat meals" per week.  I can see, however, that soon we will not be needing/wanting those cheat meals.  I feel like having that option is key - so may diets fail because they're so all or nothing.  I also like that I am not trying to make anything into something it isn't - just sticking to clean, whole foods. Breakfast is a moderately sized meal, lunch is lite, currently a few pieces of fruit or a salad for me, and dinner is moderately sized.  I am focusing on not loading my plate for what seems like for two - and not using the excuse that I am sharing my food with my dogs.  Rather, I am making them their own plates.  It's working - I've dropped 6 lbs this week so far.

I've also managed to walk away from coffee again - I'm determined to not buy any for the house, and to limit myself to only the occasional treat from a good coffee house.  In the meantime, Jason brought me home something amazing!  Coconut Tea from Costco!  It's creamy and wonderful - reminiscent of a vegan cappuccino I'm fond of... I want to track down their unsweetened version and give it a try too!

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